Happy 2023!

Happy New Year!

I guess it’s time for New years resolutions, for me it more about finishing the things I’ve already started. So New year isn’t always about new goals but more about completing the ones I have already set.

This year should be fun, I’m taking big risks this year, removing the safety blanket of work and chasing the dreams I know I can make me happy. the past few years I have focused on the needs of others, this year I have to be a little more selfish or I’ll never get me done.

So what will be completed in this year, well you will see more of me this year, in the next few months my newsletter comes out, I have 2 film projects in the making one is a documentary about mental health which will be part of a accompanying series, and panel to talk about the issues raised by my images and film. My second film will be something creative and a little biographical exploring fetish and erotic art and just something fun.

I have my first collaborative erotic exhibition, which will be an eye opener but I hope to learn a lot, I’m exploring more and these images and thought will be on blogs here and there. Hope you follow the journey, I will be documenting some of the things I explore, so that will also be something new and exciting, follow my patron for information.

My march will be out soon, buy a print, a hoodie of even a mug. I can’t do things with out the people that support me and this way you can help get me out there too.

I’ll be shooting couples, singles who are models but just want their own erotic or creative shoot.

I’ll be working with new and old models and creating something for the senses, Launching new projects, POC and kink exploring some of the good and bad stuff that you are told, experienced or the myths you believe when you are educated about sex from the POC community. Like the film I’ll be creating stories based on other people journeys which will become part of a series. I’ll be reshooting some of my old projects like A Room with a View and Covered - A beauty story.

So it’s gonna be a journey, and I invite you to come a long, because this is just the beginning.

What brave things will you do.

Marcus - only4thebrave


Against all odds


I don’t like to talk