What’s this mindfulness you’re on about?
Hey, everyone!
I'm super excited to share with you a new service that I'm offering: mindfulness photography and body confidence with photography. You might be wondering what this is and how it can help you. Let me explain.
Mindfulness photography is a practice of being fully present and aware of your surroundings, your emotions, and your senses while taking photos. It's not about capturing the perfect shot, but rather enjoying the process of seeing, feeling, and expressing yourself through your camera.
Body confidence with photography is a way of using photos to celebrate and appreciate your body, just as it is. It's not about editing, filtering, or posing to fit some unrealistic standards, but rather embracing your natural beauty, your uniqueness, and your story.
Together, these two practices can help you cultivate a more positive and compassionate relationship with yourself and the world around you. You can learn to see yourself and your environment with more curiosity, gratitude, and joy. You can also discover new aspects of yourself and unleash your creativity.
“I use this style to create my work, as you can tell I don’t over edit my images, you look like yourself and the best bit, your smiling because your really happy even after I have gone. “
If you're interested in trying this out, I'm offering a special package that includes:
- A 90-minute session where we'll explore a location of your choice and practice mindfulness photography and body confidence with photography. I'll guide you through some exercises and prompts to help you connect with yourself and your surroundings. (only offered in the UK at present.)
- A selection of 20 photos that we'll take during the session. You'll get to keep them as a reminder of your experience and as a source of inspiration.
- A follow-up email where I'll share some tips and resources to help you continue your mindfulness photography and body confidence with photography journey.
The price for this package is £150, which is a great deal considering the value and benefits you'll get from it. Plus, it's a lot of fun! This is my introductory price and is open to the first 10.
If you want to book a session with me or have any questions, please contact me at HERE. I'd love to hear from you and help you discover the power of mindfulness photography and body confidence with photography.
Thanks for reading and I hope to see you soon!