Jumping in for win.
Speed isn’t really my thing, I like to plan, research and be in full control.
In order to grow, and learn new things I have to trust a little more. So I decided to just jump in. This has done a few things, pushed me to create almost on the fly, which can be daunting a brief idea is created and then on the weekend I hit the studio to create. I have become a collective of ideas and creatives, People are sometimes creating with me, there are no bad ideas.
If you know me I prefer to work alone or with the people on my projects, which works for me. This new way has helped me to stretch my creativity learn new things and try things I might not have. It has also changed the way I interact with people as I’m not a great communicator when it comes to social cues and awkwardness. I still struggle and when you spend time around a lot of people it becomes harder to hide your disabilities, and your weaknesses slip. I’m not good with people because I have to wear a mask as not to offend them - check my being autistic post when I write it -
Having a group of people with ideas taking looking and making changes can be very challenging, having others come into the room while I work can also be a challenge but it’s learning. The speed means that I have missed a few things, but as I explore BDSM I find the benefits to forming friendships with people that want to support my journey.